Monday 12 June 2017

Pursuit of New Beginnings

It's been a while, a while since I had to last think what I wanted to do with my life. Thinking back to my childhood, I was so confident on becoming a scientist, along the way I feel as though I have lost myself. Though I still wanna be a scientist I just don't  know how to anymore.
So what is it that I wanna do now? What is my goal? My ambitions? I have started to ponder these questions. And frankly speaking I have no clue anymore. There are so many options available to me and each seems so intriguing that I am unable to decide. I know I am only 20 and still in college, and it's not as if I should worry much about taking wrong decisions. But I have to ask myself  where is it that I am headed. And currently I fret that my college life is ruining me, the subjects and don't interest me anymore, the professors also don't really put much effort of showing applications of what they're teaching, rather they just teach so we clear our exams. The education system is one thing I wish to complain a lot about. But, I too am to blame equally for not fighting the flow and just floating on it, seeing where the flow would take me. And now I am worried where is it exactly that I am going?
Thus my pursuit of a new beginning, let's see what I can come up with...