Sunday 31 August 2014

Ganesh Chaturthi

Ganesh Chaturthi

Traffic on roads till the eyes can see. Footwalks(pedestals) turned to a "Market". That's my bangalore :D

But the devotion is rooted in each persons heart.

May LORD GANESH bless each person with his wisdom and wits. :)

Friday 29 August 2014


The so called "Rail-Ways" of India. LOL

This is how we imagine the rail ways is

But the rails have become roads for people to travel. It's more safer than the roads of bangalore in ways :D
Here's a glimps of how people use the rail-ways.

Bangalore traffic

Oh the bangalore traffic.

It's heavy. And when there is no traffic police in the view :D
Well you can guess

But on just any other day it fells good to go for a ride