Thursday 22 May 2014


    Thank You

Thank you for being there; For showing me the path;
Thank you for always caring and giving it all you have; 
Thank you for not running when I needed your help, and 
thank you for always caring about my health; 
Thank you for always staying by my side, and giving me the courage and the pride to do things I've never done before;
Thank you for giving me something to stay alive for; 
Thank you for always loving me, and adoring my talents and skills; 
Thank you for always being there for all of the sad times and the thrills; 
Thank you for always telling me what's wrong and what's right, and thank you for helping me on the path to life;
Thank you.


You Should Know

© Abby Heard
I don't know how to say this,
but I thank you very much
for always being there for me
your gentle, friendly touch

You helped me to get better
and stop what I regret
you helped me through the hard times
that, I can't forget.
thank you.

You listened to my problems
in a kind and caring way
and without you
I may not be smiling today
thank you.

I trust you with my secrets
that no one has been told
I trust you with my feelings
and in my heart, your words I'll take
until I'm grey and old
thank you.